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Adapting to COVID-19

Writer's picture: #pelvicroar#pelvicroar

The community spirit we have seen across the U.K. in the last few weeks has been incredible.

THANK YOU to all the frontline and key workers; You have been our soldiers, saving lives and keeping services accessible across the nation. On a personal level, the day lockdown was announced, I had to ensure a way to continue my love to teach women in the community and deliver our CPD training to fitness and health professionals. This pushed my 'safe' boundaries as I am a face2face teacher. In the midst of my fears and grief, I set the wheels in motion. Why was I experiencing these feelings? I felt such a sense of loss. I have never been in a position of not being able to work.

It was time to find solutions and pull up my big girl pants.

I checked my insurance, music licenses and gained permission from our CPD endorsers as everyone must and I set to work transforming our lounge into 2 additional spaces; My Studio AND Office. I had the laptop open, my phone propped up in position, and a LARGE recycled pinboard made of plywood my husband had put together, I found the platform that worked for my style of teaching.

My TOP TIP... It doesn’t matter what platform you use, it just has to be the one that WORKS for YOU and the community you reach.

I was ready to offer everything online.

I initially touched base with the ladies I currently work with and it was very clear how well this style of contact and teaching would be a success. Everyone needs familiarity.

I had our CPD training set up within a couple of days. I have been blown away with the response. We have taken double the bookings initially expected for Spring.

The beauty we have now is a new relaxed style of communication that is accepted from us all accessing each other online. Watching the news interviews with the odd cat walking across the screen is a refreshing and endearing approach. It’s absolutely okay not to be fully polished with the latest state of the art film lighting and crew.

Just brilliant.

My message to you is giving to the community at this time is also be empowering. I have chosen to use this avenue to offer advice and support to the local community volenteraily, whilst also ensuring to keep Adore Your Pelvic Floor active.

Dip your toe in the water, I totally recommend having a go, because I am sure you will enjoy diving in deeper than you would have first expected. It’s been a really crazy few weeks, but I have been able to keep connected with the women I teach; This has been important for my personal sanity and the by-product has been I have discovered an additional resource to reach out beyond my initial expectations. The truth is the hand was forced to action everything I had been putting off. Don’t get me wrong, if you have the opportunity, there is a real benefit in PAUSING.

Breathe, rest and focus on the beauty of your family and the buds coming out in bloom during Spring. I have reminded myself of this valid point many times during the last few weeks. I have also learned to live outside of my comfort zone and support the women I have the JOY and LOVE to meet. The outcome has been the opportunity to share: TIME LOVE and WOMENS HEALTH

Our CPD has exceeded expectations by double and I have received fulfilment in giving.

The first fear of sustaining my love to teach during these times have proven there are additional options and available choices.

My TOP TIP! One step at a time, try not to be overwhelmed.

My favourite quotes: “Only by giving you receive more than you already have” Jim Rohn

“Do one thing everyday that scares you. Those small thing that make us uncomfortable help us build courage to do the work we do” Eleanor Roosevelt

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